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Built-in Functions

The built-in functions are divided into several categories: Contract, SubContract, Map, Asset, Utils, Chain, Conversion, ByteVec, Cryptography. All built-in functions are suffixed with !. All of the byte encoding use Big Endian byte order.

Contract Functions


fn <ContractName>.encodeFields!(...) -> (ByteVec, ByteVec)

Encode the fields for creating a contract

@param ... the fields of the to-be-created target contract

@returns two ByteVecs: the first one is the encoded immutable fields, and the second one is the encoded mutable fields


fn createContract!(bytecode:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new contract without token issuance.

@param bytecode the bytecode of the contract to be created

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@returns the id of the created contract


fn createContractWithToken!(bytecode:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec, issueTokenAmount:U256, issueTo?:Address) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new contract with token issuance.

@param bytecode the bytecode of the contract to be created

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@param issueTokenAmount the amount of token to be issued

@param issueTo (optional) a designated address to receive issued token

@returns the id of the created contract


fn copyCreateContract!(contractId:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new contract without token issuance by copying another contract's code. This costs less gas than createContract!(...).

@param contractId the id of the contract to be copied

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@returns the id of the created contract


fn copyCreateContractWithToken!(contractId:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec, issueTokenAmount:U256, issueTo?:Address) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new contract with token issuance by copying another contract's code. This costs less gas than createContractWithToken!(...).

@param contractId the id of the contract to be copied

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@param issueTokenAmount the amount of token to be issued

@param issueTo (optional) a designated address to receive issued token

@returns the id of the created contract


fn selfAddress!() -> (Address)

Returns the address of the contract.

@returns the address of the contract


fn selfContractId!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the id (ByteVec) of the contract.

@returns the id (ByteVec) of the contract


fn selfTokenId!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the token id (ByteVec) of the contract.

@returns the token id (ByteVec) of the contract


fn tokenId!(contract:<Contract>) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the id of the contract

@param contract the contract variable

@returns the id of the contract


fn contractId!(contract:<Contract>) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the id of the contract

@param contract the contract variable

@returns the id of the contract


fn contractAddress!(contract:<Contract>) -> (Address)

Returns the address of the contract

@param contract the contract variable

@returns the address of the contract


fn callerContractId!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the contract id of the caller.

@returns the contract id of the caller


fn callerAddress!() -> (Address)
  1. When used in a TxScript, returns the transaction caller, which is the first input address when all input addresses are the same. If not all input addresses are the same, callAddress!() function fails.
  2. When used in a contract function called directly from TxScript, returns the transaction caller as explained in 1)
  3. When used in a contract function called from another contract, returns the address of the calling contract.

@returns the address of the caller


fn contractInitialStateHash!(contractId:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the initial state hash of the contract.

@param contractId the id of the input contract

@returns the initial state hash of the contract


fn contractCodeHash!(contractId:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the contract code hash of the contract.

@param contractId the id of the input contract

@returns the contract code hash of the contract


fn callerInitialStateHash!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the initial state hash of the caller contract.

@returns the initial state hash of the caller contract


fn callerCodeHash!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the contract code hash of the caller contract.

@returns the contract code hash of the caller contract


fn contractExists!(contractId:ByteVec) -> (Bool)

Checks whether the contract exists with the given id.

@param contractId the input contract id to be tested

@returns ture if the contract exists on the chain, false otherwise


fn destroySelf!(refundAddress:Address) -> ()

Destroys the contract and transfer the remaining assets to a designated address.

@param refundAddress the address to receive the remaining assets in the contract



fn migrate!(newBytecode:ByteVec) -> ()

Migrates the code of the contract.

@param newBytecode the new bytecode for the contract to migrate to



fn migrateWithFields!(newBytecode:ByteVec, newEncodedImmFields:ByteVec, newEncodedMutFields:ByteVec) -> ()

Migrates both the code and the fields of the contract.

@param newBytecode the bytecode for the contract to migrate to

@param newEncodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields for the contract to migrate to

@param newEncodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields for the contract to migrate to



fn isCalledFromTxScript!() -> (Bool)

Checks whether the function is called by a TxScript.

@returns true if the function is called by a TxScript, false otherwise


fn selfContract!() -> (<Contract>)

Returns self contract

@returns self contract

SubContract Functions


fn createSubContract!(subContractPath:ByteVec, bytecode:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new sub-contract without token issuance.

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract to be created

@param bytecode the bytecode of the sub-contract to be created

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@returns the id of the created contract


fn createSubContractWithToken!(subContractPath:ByteVec, bytecode:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec, issueTokenAmount:U256, issueTo?:Address) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new sub-contract with token issuance.

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract to be created

@param bytecode the bytecode of the sub-contract to be created

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@param issueTokenAmount the amount of token to be issued

@param issueTo (optional) a designated address to receive issued token

@returns the id of the created contract


fn copyCreateSubContract!(subContractPath:ByteVec, contractId:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new sub-contract without token issuance by copying another contract's code. This costs less gas than createSubContract!(...).

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract to be created

@param contractId the id of the contract to be copied

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@returns the id of the created contract


fn copyCreateSubContractWithToken!(subContractPath:ByteVec, contractId:ByteVec, encodedImmFields:ByteVec, encodedMutFields:ByteVec, issueTokenAmount:U256, issueTo?:Address) -> (ByteVec)

Creates a new sub-contract with token issuance by copying another contract's code. This costs less gas than createSubContractWithToken!(...).

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract to be created

@param contractId the id of the contract to be copied

@param encodedImmFields the encoded immutable fields as a ByteVec

@param encodedMutFields the encoded mutable fields as a ByteVec

@param issueTokenAmount the amount of token to be issued

@param issueTo (optional) a designated address to receive issued token

@returns the id of the created contract


fn subContractId!(subContractPath:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the id of the sub contract.

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract

@returns the id of the sub contract


fn subContractIdOf!(contract:<Contract>, subContractPath:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the id of the sub contract.

@param contract the parent contract of the sub-contract

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract

@returns the id of the sub contract


fn subContractIdInParentGroup!(contract:<Contract>, subContractPath:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Returns the id of the sub contract.

@param contract the parent contract of the sub-contract

@param subContractPath the path of the sub-contract

@returns the id of the sub contract

Map Functions


fn <map>.insert!(depositorAddress: Address, key: <Bool | U256 | I256 | Address | ByteVec>, value: Any) -> ()

Insert a key/value pair into the map. No brace syntax is required, as the minimal storage deposit will be deducted from the approved assets by the VM

@param depositorAddress the address to pay the minimal storage deposit (0.1 ALPH) for the new map entry

@param key the key to insert

@param value the value to insert



fn <map>.remove!(depositRecipient: Address, key: <Bool | U256 | I256 | Address | ByteVec>) -> ()

Remove a key from the map

@param depositRecipient the address to receive the redeemed minimal storage deposit

@param key the key to remove



fn <map>.contains!(key: <Bool | U256 | I256 | Address | ByteVec>) -> Bool

Check whether the map contains a bindiing for the key

@param key the key to check

@returns true if there is a binding for key in this map, false otherwise

Asset Functions


fn approveToken!(fromAddress:Address, tokenId:ByteVec, amount:U256) -> ()

Approves the usage of certain amount of token from the given address

@param fromAddress the address to approve token from

@param tokenId the token to be approved

@param amount the amount of the token to be approved



fn tokenRemaining!(address:Address, tokenId:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Returns the amount of the remaining token amount in the input assets of the function.

@param address the input address

@param tokenId the token id

@returns the amount of the remaining token amount in the input assets of the function


fn transferToken!(fromAddress:Address, toAddress:Address, tokenId:ByteVec, amount:U256) -> ()

Transfers token from the input assets of the function.

@param fromAddress the address to transfer token from

@param toAddress the address to transfer token to

@param tokenId the token to be transferred

@param amount the amount of token to be transferred



fn transferTokenFromSelf!(toAddress:Address, tokenId:ByteVec, amount:U256) -> ()

Transfers the contract's token from the input assets of the function.

@param toAddress the address to transfer token to

@param tokenId the token to be transferred

@param amount the amount of token to be transferred



fn transferTokenToSelf!(fromAddress:Address, tokenId:ByteVec, amount:U256) -> ()

Transfers token to the contract from the input assets of the function.

@param fromAddress the address to transfer token from

@param tokenId the token to be transferred

@param amount the amount of token to be transferred



fn burnToken!(address:Address, tokenId:ByteVec, amount:U256) -> ()

Burns token from the input assets of the function.

@param address the address to burn token from

@param tokenId the token to be burnt

@param amount the amount of token to be burnt



fn lockApprovedAssets!(address:Address, timestamp:U256) -> ()

Locks the current approved assets.

@param address the address to lock assets to

@param timestamp the timestamp that the assets will be locked until



fn payGasFee!(payer:Address, amount:U256) -> ()

Pay gas fee.

@param payer payer of the gas

@param amount the amount of gas to be paid in ALPH


Utils Functions


fn assert!(condition:Bool, errorCode:U256) -> ()

Tests the condition or checks invariants.

@param condition the condition to be checked

@param errorCode the error code to throw if the check fails



fn checkCaller!(condition:Bool, errorCode:U256) -> ()

Checks conditions of the external caller of the function.

@param condition the condition to be checked

@param errorCode the error code to throw if the check fails



fn isAssetAddress!(address:Address) -> (Bool)

Returns whether an address is an asset address.

@param address the input address to be tested

@returns true if the address is an asset address, false otherwise


fn isContractAddress!(address:Address) -> (Bool)

Returns whether an address is a contract address.

@param address the input address to be tested

@returns true if the address is a contract address, false otherwise


fn zeros!(n:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Returns a ByteVec of zeros.

@param n the number of zeros

@returns a ByteVec of zeros


fn panic!(errorCode?: U256) -> (Never)

Terminates the application immediately.

@param errorCode (optional) the error code to be thrown when the panic!(...) is called



fn mulModN!(x:U256, y:U256, n:U256) -> (U256)

Returns compute the x * y % n.

@param x x

@param y y

@param n n

@returns compute the x * y % n


fn addModN!(x:U256, y:U256, n:U256) -> (U256)

Returns compute the (x + y) % n.

@param x x

@param y y

@param n n

@returns compute the (x + y) % n


fn u256Max!() -> (U256)

Returns the max value of U256.

@returns the max value of U256


fn i256Max!() -> (I256)

Returns the max value of I256.

@returns the max value of I256


fn i256Min!() -> (I256)

Returns the min value of I256.

@returns the min value of I256


fn groupOfAddress!(address:Address) -> (U256)

Returns the group of the input address.

@param address the input address

@returns the group of the input address


fn len!(array) -> (U256)

Get the length of an array

@param an array

@returns the length of an array


fn nullContractAddress!() -> (Address)

Returns the null contract address with contract id being zeros.

@returns the null contract address with contract id being zeros


fn minimalContractDeposit!() -> (U256)

The minimal contract deposit

@returns the minimal ALPH amount for contract deposit


fn mapEntryDeposit!() -> (U256)

The amount of ALPH required to create a map entry, which is '0.1 ALPH' since Rhone upgrade

@returns the amount of ALPH required to create a map entry

Chain Functions


fn networkId!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the network id (a single byte).

@returns the network id (a single byte)


fn blockTimeStamp!() -> (U256)

Returns the block timestamp.

@returns the block timestamp


fn blockTarget!() -> (U256)

Returns the block difficulty target.

@returns the block difficulty target


fn txId!() -> (ByteVec)

Returns the current transaction id.

@returns the current transaction id


fn txInputAddress!(txInputIndex:U256) -> (Address)

Returns the n-th transaction input address.

@param txInputIndex the index of the transaction input

@returns the n-th transaction input address


fn txInputsSize!() -> (U256)

Returns the number of transaction inputs.

@returns the number of transaction inputs


fn txGasPrice!() -> (U256)

Returns the current transaction gas price.

@returns the current transaction gas price


fn txGasAmount!() -> (U256)

Returns the current transaction gas amount.

@returns the current transaction gas amount


fn txGasFee!() -> (U256)

Returns the current transaction gas fee.

@returns the current transaction gas fee


fn verifyAbsoluteLocktime!(lockUntil:U256) -> ()

Verifies that the absolute locktime is before the block timestamp, otherwise it fails.

@param lockUntil the timestamp until which the lock is valid



fn verifyRelativeLocktime!(txInputIndex:U256, lockDuration:U256) -> ()

Verifies that the input's creation timestamp + lock duration is before the block timestamp, otherwise it fails.

@param txInputIndex the index of the transaction input

@param lockDuration the duration that the input is locked for



fn dustAmount!() -> (U256)

Returns the dust amount of an UTXO.

@returns the dust amount of an UTXO

Conversion Functions


fn toI256!(from:U256) -> (I256)

Converts U256 to I256.

@param from a U256 to be converted

@returns a I256


fn toU256!(from:I256) -> (U256)

Converts I256 to U256.

@param from a I256 to be converted

@returns a U256


fn toByteVec!(from:Bool|I256|U256|Address) -> (ByteVec)

Converts Bool/I256/U256/Address to ByteVec

@param from a Bool|I256|U256|Address to be converted

@returns a ByteVec


fn contractIdToAddress!(contractId:ByteVec) -> (Address)

Converts contract id (ByteVec) to contract address (Address).

@param contractId the input contract id

@returns a contract Address


fn addressToContractId!(contractAddress:Address) -> (ByteVec)

Converts contract address (Address) to contract id (ByteVec)

@param contractAddress the input contract address

@returns a contract id


fn byteVecToAddress!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (Address)

Converts ByteVec to Address.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an Address


fn u256To1Byte!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to 1 byte.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns 1 byte


fn u256To2Byte!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to 2 big-endian bytes.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns 2 bytes


fn u256To4Byte!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to 4 big-endian bytes.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns 4 bytes


fn u256To8Byte!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to 8 big-endian bytes.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns 8 bytes


fn u256To16Byte!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to 16 big-endian bytes.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns 16 bytes


fn u256To32Byte!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to 32 big-endian bytes.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns 32 bytes


fn u256ToString!(u256:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts U256 to string in ByteVec.

@param u256 the input U256

@returns Converted string in ByteVec


fn i256ToString!(i256:I256) -> (ByteVec)

Converts I256 to string in ByteVec.

@param i256 the input I256

@returns Converted string in ByteVec


fn boolToString!(bool:Bool) -> (ByteVec)

Converts Bool to string in ByteVec.

@param bool the input Bool

@returns Converted string in ByteVec


fn u256From1Byte!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Converts 1 byte to U256.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an U256


fn u256From2Byte!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Converts 2 big-endian bytes to U256.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an U256


fn u256From4Byte!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Converts 4 big-endian bytes to U256.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an U256


fn u256From8Byte!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Converts 8 big-endian bytes to U256.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an U256


fn u256From16Byte!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Converts 16 big-endian bytes to U256.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an U256


fn u256From32Byte!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Converts 32 big-endian bytes to U256.

@param bytes the input ByteVec

@returns an U256

ByteVec Functions


fn size!(bytes:ByteVec) -> (U256)

Returns the size of the ByteVec.

@param bytes a ByteVec

@returns the size of the ByteVec


fn byteVecSlice!(bytes:ByteVec, from:U256, until:U256) -> (ByteVec)

Selects an interval of bytes.

@param bytes a ByteVec

@param from the lowest index to include from the ByteVec

@param until the lowest index to exclude from the ByteVec

@returns a ByteVec containing the elements greater than or equal to index from extending up to (but not including) index until of this ByteVec


fn encodeToByteVec!(...any) -> (ByteVec)

Encodes inputs as big-endian ByteVec.

@param any a sequence of input values

@returns a ByteVec encoding the inputs

Cryptography Functions


fn blake2b!(data:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Computes the Blake2b-256 hash of the input.

@param data the input data to be hashed

@returns the 32 bytes hash result


fn keccak256!(data:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Computes the Keccak256 hash of the input.

@param data the input data to be hashed

@returns the hash result


fn sha256!(data:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Computes the Sha256 hash of the input.

@param data the input data to be hashed

@returns the hash result


fn sha3!(data:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Computes the Sha3 hash of the input.

@param data the input data to be hashed

@returns the hash result


fn verifyTxSignature!(publicKey:ByteVec) -> ()

Verifies the transaction SecP256K1 signature of a public key. The signature is signed against the transaction id.

@param publicKey the public key (33 bytes) of the signer



fn getSegregatedSignature!() -> (ByteVec)

The segregated signature of the transaction

@returns the segregated signature of the transaction


fn verifySecP256K1!(data:ByteVec, publicKey:ByteVec, signature:ByteVec) -> ()

Verifies the SecP256K1 signature of the input and public key.

@param data the data (32 bytes) that was supposed to have been signed

@param publicKey the public key (33 bytes) of the signer

@param signature the signature (64 bytes) value



fn verifyED25519!(data:ByteVec, publicKey:ByteVec, signature:ByteVec) -> ()

Verifies the ED25519 signature of the input and public key.

@param data the data (32 bytes) that was supposed to have been signed

@param publicKey the public key (32 bytes) of the signer

@param signature the signature value (64 bytes)



fn verifyBIP340Schnorr!(data:ByteVec, publicKey:ByteVec, signature:ByteVec) -> ()

Verifies the BIP340 Schnorr signature of the input and public key.

@param data the data (32 bytes) that was supposed to have been signed

@param publicKey the public key (32 bytes) of the signer

@param signature the signature value (64 bytes)



fn ethEcRecover!(data:ByteVec, signature:ByteVec) -> (ByteVec)

Recovers the ETH account that signed the data.

@param data the data that was supposed to have been signed

@param signature the signature value

@returns the ETH account that signed the data