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First dApp with Nextjs

This is a continuation of the getting started guide. By the end of this guide, you should be able to build a simple Nextjs dApp that interacts with the token faucet smart contracts discussed in the getting started guide


Create a dApp project using the Nextjs template

npx @alephium/cli@latest init alephium-nextjs-tutorial --template nextjs

This will create a new directory alephium-nextjs-tutorial and initialize a sample Nextjs project inside that directory.

Launch a local development network

Go to the alephium-nextjs-tutorial/docker directory and run

cd alephium-nextjs-tutorial/docker
docker-compose up -d

This will start both the Alephium full node and the explorer backend on devnet. Explorer backend is needed for extension wallet to work.

Now you can compile, test and deploy your token faucet contracts just as described in the getting started guide.

Make sure the contract is deployed before proceeding to the next step.

npx @alephium/cli@latest deploy

Interact with the token faucet with the Nextjs dApp

Go to the project root directory and run

npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the token faucet application.

Connect button

As illustrated above, the token faucet dApp shows a Connect Alephium button before it is connected with a wallet. Click the button and choose the Extension Wallet option to open the extension wallet. WalletConnect will be supported soon.

Landing page


Create wallet

Review the approval screen of the extension wallet and click Connect, the token faucet dApp will be connected to the extension wallet.

Landing page

Input the number of tokens to be withdrawn (maximum 2), and click the Send Me Token button. Review the transaction details and click Confirm.

Landing page

Congratulations, you have just transferred some tokens from the token faucet to your account!


The goal of the nextjs template project is to demonstrate how to interact with the Alephium blockchain from a Nextjs app.

Authentication can be done in a few lines using the @alephium/web3-react component:

<AlephiumConnectButton />
// Your logic

<AlephiumWalletProvider> creates a react context and passes it through the component tree of the application. The context contains the SignerProvider which is an essential piece of information to interact with the Alephium blockchain, such as signing transaction, etc.

After user is connected to the wallet, we can interact with the Alephium blockchain by using a set of react hooks provided by @alephium/web3-react. For example, getting the current connected wallet, balance and transaction status, etc.

When a user makes a transaction, you can update the user's balance using updateBalanceForTx. Here is a simple example:

// The useBalance hook returns two values:
// 1. balance: the current balance
// 2. updateBalanceForTx: used to update the balance when the user makes a transaction.
const { balance, updateBalanceForTx } = useBalance()

const withdrawCallback = useCallback(async () => {
const result = await withdraw(...)
}, [updateBalanceForTx])

For more implementation details, please take a look at the code.

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