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Extension Wallet for dApps

The Alephium extension wallet injects a global object window.alephiumProviders.alephium into the dApps that the user interacts with. dApps can use this object to authenticate the user, request users account and communicate with the Alephium blockchain such as fetching user balance, contract state and submitting transactions, etc.

Basic Setup

To detect the window.alephiumProviders.alephium object, we recommend to use the @alephium/get-extension-wallet package.

npm install --save @alephium/get-extension-wallet

The following code shows how to connect to the extension wallet using pure typescript:

import { getDefaultAlephiumWallet } from "@alephium/get-extension-wallet"

async function tryConnect() {
// Returns the `window.alephiumProviders.alephium` object after user selects
// the extension wallet.
const windowAlephium = await getDefaultAlephiumWallet()
// Authenticate user to the current dApp, return the selected account
const selectedAccount = await windowAlephium?.enable()

if (windowAlephium && selectedAccount) {
// From here, you can execute various transactions:
// windowAlephium.signAndSubmitTransferTx(...)
// windowAlephium.signAndSubmitDeployContractTx(...)
// windowAlephium.signAndSubmitExecuteScriptTx(...)
// ...

Users will be prompted to connect to the current dApp when windowAlephium?.enable() method is called:

Connect dApp

After user clicks the Connect button, dApp is connected with users extension wallet.

Web3 React

For dApps built with react, @alephium/web3-react offers an easier way to authenticate with dApps using wallets, including extension wallet.

npm install --save @alephium/web3-react

A minimal example is shown below:

const App = () => {
return (
<AlephiumWalletProvider theme="retro">
/* Your App */
<AlephiumConnectButton />

This will place a button in your dApp with the retro built-in theme. Once user clicks the button, a pop-up window will show up to ask user to select a wallet:

Connect dApp Web3 React

If user selects Extension Wallet, user will again be prompted to connect to the current dApp. After user clicks the Connect button, dApp is connected with users extension wallet.

Please refer to the nextjs-template repo for a working and more complete example.

Sign Transactions

windowAlephium object implements the InteractiveSignerProvider, which exposes the following methods for transaction signing:

abstract signAndSubmitTransferTx(params: SignTransferTxParams): Promise<SignTransferTxResult>
abstract signAndSubmitDeployContractTx(params: SignDeployContractTxParams): Promise<SignDeployContractTxResult>
abstract signAndSubmitExecuteScriptTx(params: SignExecuteScriptTxParams): Promise<SignExecuteScriptTxResult>
abstract signAndSubmitUnsignedTx(params: SignUnsignedTxParams): Promise<SignUnsignedTxResult>
abstract signUnsignedTx(params: SignUnsignedTxParams): Promise<SignUnsignedTxResult>
// The message will be prefixed with 'Alephium Signed Message: ' before signing
// so that the resulted signature cannot be reused for building transactions.
abstract signMessage(params: SignMessageParams): Promise<SignMessageResult>

When any of these method is executed, extension wallet will provide neccessary information depending on the type of the transaction and prompt user for signature.

The following is an example of a transaction for token transfer: user is transferring 2 TokenFaucet token from Salary account to Saving account.

Transaction Signing Transfer

After user clicks the Sign button, the transction will be signed and submitted to the Alephium blockchain by the extension wallet.