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More and Troubleshooting

Coin name and ticker

  • Name: Alephium
  • Ticker/Symbol: ALPH

Explorer URLs

Public API interface URL


All public APIs are listed and updated on the Public services page.

Official wallets

Official desktop wallet

Official mobile wallet:

Official web extension wallet:


Node installation documents

Getting started with Fullnode

Required disk size

The current mainnet database size is around 85G. Documentation for pruned nodes.

Mainnet snapshots


To use the snapshot, use the following documentation.

Block producing rate

Currently the average network block production rate is 1 block every 4sec. This is because the network currently has 16 chains each with a blocktime of 64sec. (64/16=4s in average).

The next network upgrade will reduce blocktime to 16s for all 16 chains resulting in the average network block production rate to be 1s.

Configure file directory

Data folder for fullnode can be changed, use the following documentation.

How to customize RPC Port and directory of block data

For customize the directory of block data, you can refer to the doc here.

For customize the RPC port: add this line = PORT to the user.conf file.

After running the full node, you can access the API doc at http://full-node-ip:port/docs or using public fullnode.


Does the fullnode need to expose its port to the outside? If so, is it acceptable for the machine to have a NAT IP?

Yes and NAT IP is ok.

Is it necessary to add our node IP into your whitelist when synchronizing?

No, it’s not necessary.

Wallets & Addresses

Validate address format

Address is base58 encoded string, there is no max length for address, but in most case the decoded address length is 33 bytes.

There is a utility function in the TS SDK. Link

Access the address history

You can access the address history in two ways:

  • You can get the address history from the explorer, but you will need to run your own explorer-backend, installation documentation. Endpoint.
  • You can maintain your own database for that. Whenever you receive a new deposit.

Access the balance of an address

You can get the balance using this endpoint.

Get the UTXOs of an address

You can get the UTXOs using this endpoint

Restoring and recovering Wallets

You could restore your Wallets with your secret mnemonic or private keys:

Does the Wallet supports memo function?



Simple asset transfer

Simple transfer can be created using this endpoint.

Transfer process: sign transaction offline and broadcast it online

You can create, sign, and broadcast transactions following this guide.

Transaction precision

Alephium supports transaction precision up to 10^-18.

Is there any dust limit or reservation?

Yes, the dust amount is 0.001 ALPH and each at output/UTXO needs least 0.001 ALPH.

Is there a timeout mechanism for a transaction in tx pool, and if so, how long does it deal?

Yes, by default tx will be removed from mempool if it is not mined after 2 hours. You can customize this config by add this line alephium.mempool.unconfirmed-tx-expiry-duration = xxx minutes in user.conf.

Access the detailed information of a transaction

You can get the tx details using this endpoint

How to determine if a transaction failed

If you submit your tx into the pool and get an internal server error message, it will fail.

API documentation

How to determine if a transaction is accurate and avoid cheating recharge

Alephium is a UTXO-based blockchain, recharging can be avoided by ensuring the same UTXO input is not spend twice in two transactions. This is checked by the consensus protocol.


Get highest blocks

You can get the current height using this endpoint, you need to replace the fromGroupandtoGroup` params as needed, which can be any value of [0, 1, 2, 3].

What mechanism is in place to protect Alephium against 51% attack or to avoid chain forking ?

It’s recommended to wait for 110 block confirmations (about 2 hours currently) for each deposit as it’s a PoW chain. Alephium implemented the same 51% attack protection as Ravencoin and other PoW coins when the number of reorg is larger than 100.

What is the maximum reorg/rollback possible on Alephium?

The maximum allowed reorg size is 100 blocks. It is recommend to check 110 blocks for higher safety.