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Asset Permission System

The Asset Permission System (APS) is one of Ralph's unique features. It explicitly stipulates the flow of assets at code level, giving confidence to developers and users of the smart contracts that all asset transfers happen as intended. Together with the UTXOs model, it also offers a simpler and more secure user experience by eliminating the token approval risks in systems such as EVM.

Alephium uses the sUTXO model where assets, including the native ALPH and other tokens are managed by UTXOs while smart contracts and their states are managed using account-based model.

This has a few implications:

  1. Simple asset transfers among users only require UTXOs, which is battle tested for its security in managing assets. Here no smart contracts are involved.
  2. When smart contracts need to transfer assets on behalf of the owners, no separate approval transactions are required. The approval is implicit in the UTXO model: if the input that contains a particular token is authorized to be spent in the transaction, then the owner has already given consent to the usage of that token in the context of this transaction, meaning that the smart contracts that get invoked in the same transaction can potentially transfer the token.

Now the question is: in the second situation, how can we make sure that the assets implicitly approved in the transaction using the UTXO model can be handled securely by the smart contracts? The answer is Ralph's Asset Permission System (APS).

Flow of Assets

To interact with the smart contracts in Alephium, a transaction needs to execute a TxScript. In the following example transaction, there are two inputs, one fixed outputs and a TxScript:

| |
| |
1 Token A | | 1 ALPH (fixed output)
================> | | ========================>
6.1 ALPHs | <TxScript> | ??? (generated output)
================> | | ========================>
| |
| |
| |

Two things are worth noting here:

  1. Even though there is only one fixed output, there will be more outputs generated for this transaction. The generated outputs depend on the result of the TxScript execution.
  2. The total assets available for TxScript (including the smart contracts it invokes) are 5.1 ALPHs and 1 Token A, because we need to subtract the 1 ALPH in fixed output.

Let's say the TxScript looks something like this:

TxScript ListNFT(
tokenAId: ByteVec,
price: U256,
marketPlace: NFTMarketPlace
) {
let listingFee = marketPlace.getListingFee()
let minimalAlphInContract = 1 alph
let approvedAlphAmount = listingFee + minimalAlphInContract

marketPlace.listNFT{callerAddress!() -> ALPH: approvedAlphAmount, tokenAId: 1}(tokenAId, price)

As you may have guessed, Token A is an NFT token and the purpose of the above TxScript is to list it through a marketplace smart contract.

The following line of code is of particular interest:

marketPlace.listNFT{callerAddress!() -> ALPH: approvedAlphAmount, tokenAId: 1}(tokenAId, price)

The code inside of the curly braces explicitly approves that approvedAlphAmount ALPH and 1 token A are allowed to be spent in the marketPlace.listNFT function, even though the total amount of assets available for TxScript are 5.1 and 1 for ALPH and token A respectively.

The following scenarios could happen:

  1. If approvedAlphAmount turns out to be more than 5.1 ALPH, then the transaction fails with NotEnoughBalance error.
  2. If approvedAlphAmount is less than 5.1 ALPH, say 1.1 ALPH, then maximum amount of assets that marketPlace.listNFT can handle are 1.1 ALPHs and 1 token A. marketPlace.listNFT does not have access to the rest of the 4 ALPHs.
  3. If marketPlace.listNFT has not spent the entirety of the approved assets, the remaining assets will be returned back to their owner when marketPlace.listNFT returns.

Let's look a bit closer to the marketPlace.listNFT function:

Contract NFTMarketPlace(
nftListingTemplateId: ByteVec
) {
// Other code are omitted for brevity

pub fn getListingFee() -> U256 {
return 0.1 ALPH

@using(preapprovedAssets = true, assetsInContract = true, updateFields = false)
pub fn listNFT(
tokenId: ByteVec,
price: U256
) -> (Address) {
assert!(price > 0, ErrorCodes.NFTPriceIsZero)

// Only owner can list the NFT
let tokenOwner = callerAddress!()

let (encodeImmutableFields, encodeMutableFields) = NFTListing.encodeFields!(tokenId, tokenOwner, selfAddress!(), commissionRate, price)
// Create the listing contract
let nftListingContractId = copyCreateSubContract!{tokenOwner -> ALPH: 1 alph, tokenId: 1}(
tokenId, nftListingTemplateId, encodeImmutableFields, encodeMutableFields

// Charge the listing fee
transferTokenToSelf!(tokenOwner, ALPH, listingFee)

return contractIdToAddress!(nftListingContractId)

First thing to notice is the annotation for the listNFT method:

@using(preapprovedAssets = true, assetsInContract = true, updateFields = false)

preapprovedAssets = true tells VM that the listNFT method intends to use some assets and the caller is supposed to approve a set of necessary assets or else a compilation error will be reported. Compilation will also fail if the caller tries to approve assets for a method where preapprovedAssets = false.

assetsInContract = true indicates to the VM that the listNFT method wants to update the asset of the NFTMarketPlace contract. Compiler will make sure that the listNFT method indeed does that or else an compilation error will be reported. In this case, listNFT updates the asset of the NFTMarketPlace contract by transferring the listingFee to it:

// Charge the listing fee
transferTokenToSelf!(tokenOwner, ALPH, listingFee)

updateFields annotation is out of scope for this documentation.

marketPlace.listNFT method is invoked by TxScript ListNFT, as shown below:

marketPlace.listNFT{callerAddress!() -> ALPH: approvedAlphAmount, tokenAId: 1}(tokenAId, price)

When marketPlace.listNFT is executed by the VM, it is authorized to spend 1.1 ALPH and 1 token from the caller of the script. If marketPlace.listNFT in turn calls other methods, it can approve a subset of these approved assets to that method as well. For example, in marketPlace.listNFT we have the following code to create a NFT listing:

let nftListingContractId = copyCreateSubContract!{tokenOwner -> ALPH: 1 alph, tokenId: 1}(
tokenId, nftListingTemplateId, encodeImmutableFields, encodeMutableFields

As we can see, marketPlace.listNFT method approves 1 ALPH and 1 Token A to the copyCreateSubContract! built-in function from its own pool of approved assets (1.1 ALPH and 1 Token A), before it sends the listingFee to the NFTMarketPlace contract itself. The flow of assets is illustrated below:

  Caller of the TxScript
(6.1 ALPH; 1 Token A)
|| Subtract assets in
|| Fixed outputs
|| Approves Approves
\/ (1.1 ALPH; 1 TokenA) (1 ALPH; 1 TokenA)
(5.1 ALPH; 1 Token A) ========================> listNFT ========================> copyCreateSubContract!
|| To self
(0.1 ALPH)

As we can imagine, if we have a bigger tree of method calls, the approved fund will cascade from the root of the tree all the way to the leaves like water. Asset Permission System makes this flow of the fund throughout the method calls explicit and enforce constraints to each of the methods as to what tokens and how much of them can be spent.

Going back to the transaction, after the execution of the TxScript the generated outputs should look something like this:

| |
| | 1 ALPH (fixed output)
1 Token A | | =========================================>
======================> | | 1 ALPH, 1 Token A (NFTListing contract)
6.1 ALPHs | <TxScript> | =========================================>
======================> | | 0.1 ALPH (NFTMarketPlace contract)
| | =========================================>
| | 4 ALPH - gas (change output)
| | =========================================>
| |


Asset Permission System (APS) dictates the flow of assets in smart contracts. The explicit approval of the assets for each method invocation ensures that the methods can never spend more than what they are authorized for. Together with the UTXO model, it offers an asset management solution that is simpler, more reliable and more secure.